About Me
I have had a continuing presence on
the internet since 1994. Most of you know me as a breeder of quality AKC
shih tzus, and actually I have been breeding shih tzu since 1986, but my
love for dogs began a long time before then. The thought of becoming a
breeder never occurred to me until well after I became an adult with a
family of my own.
I never
remember a time when we didn't have a dog growing up and indeed my entire
extended family had dogs my whole childhood. I guess it just became a big part
of who I am. So on this page I'd like to honor some very special dogs that I
have loved through the years and who have loved me.
When I was very young, I
would spend the summers with my grandmother, and she had a black lab mix
named Bingo. I don't have a picture of Bingo,( I'm not even sure they had
cameras that long ago!!) Bingo was my constant companion and when my parents
picked me up to go home I remember her following us down the driveway with me
waving out the back window telling Bingo I would come back. If I went to Aunt
Loretta's house they had many dogs through the years because they lived on a
farm. I remember Twinkie the most, she was a white Samoyed. But then my uncle
Joe loved hunting and got into Brittany Spaniels, and one year for Christmas I
got one named Bailey. He didn't know he was bred for hunting and became the most
spoiled lapdog ever. Bailey only went outside to potty and then right back in .When
I was about 12 we got a white miniature poodle named Mitzi. She was supposed to
be my moms dog, but she really loved the whole family equally. Then there was my
aunt Millie's Chihuahua mix. Her name was Tammy. I think Tammy lived to be close
to 20 years. After I became an adult and had my own home, we always had lots of
doggy companions from German shepherds to cockapoo's to Chihuahua's to yorkies.
Of course when I got married my husband(s) had to be ok with my love for dogs or
it was a no go! My first husband didn't have a preference in breeds so I had a
male yorkie I rescued. and a cocker spaniel I bought from a pet shop. The cocker
helped to educate me on pet shop dogs!
I was widowed at 24 and a large solid black
Great Dane named Brandy got me through a very rough time in my life. I did
remarry and my second husband was into hunting so we added Springer Spaniels to
our family. It was about that time I started to develop an interest in showing
dogs, since I was the primary caregiver for my husbands springers, and I'm not a
hunter, I wanted to do something with the dogs that I enjoyed doing.