Cleaning, feeding and deodorizing
This reader says: My 6 year old cocker spaniel has
chronic skin infections. After his weakly bath, I rinse him with a
solution of 1 part cider vinegar to 3 parts water. His skin seems
Yet another reader - We live in the country
with 4 dogs as part of our family,they sit on the couch,etc. BUT,they
love to chase skunks since I don't usually keep tomato juice
around,vinegar has come to my rescue. It doesn't take it away completely
but its bearable. Keep away from eyes, of course. A friend's
neighbor's dog, black lab, had just gotten sprayed by a skunk the night
before. The neighbor poured vinegar on him, taking care around the ears,
face and privates, of course, let him sit a couple of minutes, shampooed
him and the scent was gone. Not only did he smell much better, he had a
beautiful glossy coat afterwards.
Mix 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 1/3 white vinegar
and 1/3 water. Store it in any old clean dropper bottle (like Visine eye
drops) and use it to clean out ears!! It also works fine on dogs and
cats. As a matter of fact my VET gave me this tip years ago when I had a
cocker spaniel that got fequent ear infections. Just squirt 8-10 drops
in ear holding head to side; let it stand in ear for a minute then
drain. With my three dogs, while I'm holding their head tilted I message
the ear around in a circle then tilt and wipe out with Kleenex; usually
apply one a month or if they are ear scratching. My current VET laughed
and said 'Well, I've got animal ear cleaning drops here and it only
costs 8 dollars a bottle but what you are using seems to be working.
Your dogs ears are certainly clean.' Warning: If applied daily for 3
days and dogs are still scratching or rubbing ears--see VET; they have
mites or bacterial infection.
1/2 cup Vinegar to a quart of water sprayed
onto the coat of a dog works like a vinegar hair rinse. Their coats
gleam! An extremely economical alternative to expensive show shine
Fleas, and tear stains
I put 1 teaspoon of white vinegar into a
super-soaker water gun and train my puppy great dane. You can reach him
from anywhere across the room and he immediately stops his behavior.
With the hint of vinegar it lingers.
To eliminate cat litter box odors: When you
clean the litter box, rinse it out and pour about 1/2 inch of cheap
white vinegar in the box. Let it stand for 20 minutes or so, then swish
it around, rinse with cold water, and dry the box. The acid in the
vinegar neutralizes the ammonia smell.
You can use vinegar for fleas on puppies too
young for regular flea products. Straight white vinegar applied with a
cotton ball, keep from nose and eyes. I warm it a little bit first, the
puppies don't seem to mind the smell and their coats are so soft.
We have a Border Collie on our farm and when
she gets to smelling pretty rank in the summertime, we add vinegar to
her bath water to get rid of
I got a new puppy just covered in fleas. The
store bought flea killers were for older puppies. We used apple vinegar
to dip him in and rinsed him off with water. It did the trick.
I had a completely white bulldog with black
spotted skin. He had dark tear stains running from his tear duct area
down. I tried a few of the tear bleaching products sold for dogs but
none worked (besides being expensive). I also tried some suggested home
remedies (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, etc.) and those were not effective
either. A vet told me the tear stains were caused by the acidity in the
dogs system and if I neutralized his system, the stains would go away.
His suggestion was to put vinegar in the dogs
drinking water! He suggested putting just a "tiny" bit of
vinegar in the drinking water for a few days (I interpreted that as
about 1/4 of a vinegar bottles cap full) and then increase the amount of
vinegar added until I was adding about a teaspoon to the drinking water
each day (I would estimate his drinking water bowl to contain about 5
cups of water.) Each time I changed or added water to his bowl, I also
added the vinegar. Within a few weeks, the tear stains were gone for
Years ago, I put vinegar in my two dogs drinking
water. I had never seen a flea. Start with only a little, so they will
get used to the taste. I am now doing it to my Siamese cats. No fleas.
Put a tablespoon of vinegar in your dog's
drinking water every day and you will no longer have those brown spots
in your lawn from the dog's urine.
My Chihuahua puppy had tons of fleas and
nothing was working to get rid of them. I gave her bath in nothing but
white vinegar (from a spray bottle) and a little baking soda. I
literally saw the fleas rinse off her and down the drain. It also made
her coat very soft and shiny. No, she didn't smell of vinegar when done.
For coon hunters, if you will begin to add a
teaspoon of honey plus a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar(the red kind)
to your dog's food, he will have enough energy to run all night long
compared to having to change dogs for part of the hunt.Farmers, if you
will add 1 tablespoon of honey plus 1 tablespoon of red cider vinegar to
your animals' feed, it will stop runny noses on cows, sheep and any
other animal. This brings their ph balance to the correct level. It
works! Farmers in Vermont used this remedy for many many years and still
do. I had a book from Vermont physicians and it told of these and many
other uses for the same recipes.
If you have cats that spray or pets that mark
their territory, use full strength white vinegar in a re-usable spray
bottle in areas where the markings are. It will neutralize the area so
they don't mark it again.
A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can be
used to soften and shrink embedded porcupine quills prior to their
removal. You may have to apply more than once.
Last year I rescued a kitten off the street
that had ringworm. I poured organic apple cider vinegar in a plastic
dishpan and sponged him over his entire body twice a day. I then towel
dried him but did not rinse with water. He immediately stopped chewing
his feet and within three days the red bare spots cleared up and new fur
started to grow. Most vet treatments are costly, take 2-3 weeks and are
not always 100% effective.

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