
Puppy Horoscopes

The Aries dog is brave and bold. They love anything new and exciting.they take great joy in living. They can be dominant and are afraid of nothing. They will be lively,dynamic, vibrant, independent and full of energy.

Taurus dogs are dependable, loyal and constant. Somewhat
reserved, they have a deep need for security and affection. Determined and stubborn .
. Deeply devoted and make excellent calm pets.

The Gemini dog is fun! Very intelligent, and have
excellent communication skills. Very energetic and full of life. Intensely curious and they will never miss a trick!

 Cancer dogs are deeply sensitive, kind and caring. They
are always there when people or other animals need sympathy or love. Needs gentle handling and lots of love and affection.

The leo pup is lively and energetic.  They are proud
and have a strong need for leadership and approval. Loves to be the center ofattention. Be sure to give them the recognition and admiration they need.

The Virgo dog is cautious and reserved.  They
are routine oriented and love to work and be trained. They are kind and gentleand prefer small families since they like peace and quiet times for themselves.

 Libra dogs are loving, gentle and affectionate.
Seldom aggressive to anyone or anything. Usually beautiful in appearance andfriendly towards everyone.

Scorpio dogs are quiet and secretive. They
deeply emotional and intense. They never forget a hurt and can be aggressive towards those who hurt them. They need lots of loyalty and understandingand will reward you with the same

The Sagittarian dog is the clown of the zodiac.
He is sporting and athletic but just a little clumsy. Lots of energy and fun happygo lucky pets that are a joy to own.

Capricorn dogs are serious and introverted.
They are reliable and steady. Usually live long lives. Not easy to get to know but they are loyal and make good pets.

Aquarius dogs are friends to everyone. Lovemeeting people and other animals. Often they are unique in personality or
appearance. Well suited to eccentric owners. Always friendly and never shy.

  Pices dogs are sensitive and seem to know intuitively what you are thinking. Peace and quiet are essential for thier
well being. They often appear dreamy and absent minded but are actually very wise.