
Letters ....I love to get 'em



Hi Linda,
Long time no talk! I just thought you would like to see some pics of
Gordon. He is now 10 months old and the joy of my life:) He is the
happiest and most lovable pup on earth. Everywhere we go I get soooooo
many compliments on his coloring. He has gone to obedience school and
has learned a few tricks. He stays by my side and loves to cuddle and
go for long walks! Hope all is well with you. I like to check your
website often to see the precious pups you have!!!


Hi Linda,

Just a note to let you know how Mulligan is doing and tell you Happy Easter! I'm sending you some pics of our little man on Easter. He gets along so well with my Grandkids and is the light of our lives! He will be 10yrs. old on July 15th and he has been Healthy, Happy and a Joy. His colors are like a rainbow....black, brown, tan and white, so handsome! He gets compliments all the time and is the talk of the block, everyone loves him!

Hope you had a wonderful Easter and thanks again for my Baby Boy!

Love, Linda Mannino

Thank you for breeding such wonderful puppies! 


Hi Linda,

I just wanted to write to you to let you know how happy we are with our little Hershey.  He is sooo adorable.  He is healthy and happy and has brought us so much joy in the short time we have had him. 


Kevin and Jannifer




     It has been a month since we came to your house.  Knowing that you were moving, I tried to call just after we picked up our puppy and wanted to tell you that our puppy has a clean bill of health.  The vet actually complimented his bone structure and said he was a good dog.  We were concerned about his eyes, not because the vet said there was anything wrong, but because we have had to work through traumatic experiences with my older dog and wanted our specialist's opinion just to be safe.  He is so beautiful!  We named him Hershey, being chocolate brown, and he has the absolute, most delightful personality you can imagine.  What a clown!  Hershey is always doing something to make us laugh. Getting to know him has been an amazing journey so far.  We love him more than you can imagine.  He's made friends everywhere he goes- in the backyard with neighbor dogs, at soccer games, and with our extended family as well.  No one can look into those big hazel eyes and not fall completely head over heels.  Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you for our baby. 


Take care,




Dee Dee was a huge success.  My mom cried her eyes out, and they have been inseperable ever since. She named her Holly Berry.  My mom carries her around and if she leaves the room without her Holly yips at her.  She got a ton of new toys and outfits for Christmas and my mom was out the next day buying more for her.  Thank you so much for giving us such a beautiful puppy to give to my mom, and thank you for keeping her for us until Christmas.

I have attached some pictures for you from her ride home, and Christmas morning.


We thought you might enjoy this photo of Minty having lots of fun with
our daughter.  He is such a wonderful pet, and we love him so much.
Not sure if you remember us - we met you in Johnstown in September
2004.  Minty was called "Hampster".
We hope you and your family are well.  We have two children and look
forward to adopting another puppy from you when they are a bit older.
All the best,
Maria Freeman


Hi Linda,


I just want to thank you for such a beautiful puppy! Oh my gosh.. she is almost potty trained already. How did you do it? She loves to play outside with Barney. They are getting along so well.  Im attaching a picture.We adore her. She is sooo pretty.  She was quite shy at first but now she has a lot of energy! As puppies do.We are getting use to each other and welcoming her into my family.  My grandchildren love to play with her and she is receiving lots and lots of love. Thanks for breeding a great Shi-Tzu!




I have been a shih-tzu breeder since 1986 and became acquainted with Linda Balogh several years ago. I testify to the fact that I know Linda to be a consciences breeder who strives to produce the best possible shih-tzu around. She has been a
colleague of mine, sharing the ups and down of the breeding situations for a long time.  It doesn't matter that we both want business, the welfare of the shih-tzu come before all that and knowledge is shared to better the breed.
   I wish Linda the BEST in breeding and feel free to contact ME for a REFERENCE, as I have her lines and have done business with her. Here is one of the babies from a Mom I got from Linda...DO I NEED SAY MORE?

Pawsitively, Karen DeAngelo


hello linda,

i read your new page about line breeding, it was very helpful. don't i just feel like the luckiest person in the world to be one of the last people who has a fully registered balogh baby? though it makes me wish i had snatched up that beautiful orange little guy who was there that day i came by. ah well, i know that every member of my family, canines included, was destined for me.

ember moon is incredible! you just cannot imagine a more beautiful and perfect shih tzu, or a more perfect dog of any kind for that matter. if i had the patience for or the interest in the show dog world, i am convinced she would win best in show every time. her coat is thick and shiny. her bite is perfect. she is short and cobby and her tail setting is of course, perfect. she weighs nine pounds, has some red hues in her black coat and best of all is her fantastic temperament. i would pretty much fly to the ends of the earth for this girl. the thirteen hour trips to michigan and back seem small scale for the worth of this little one. 

she and i are incredibly tight. she reads my mind and goes where i go, including the bathroom. she gets along well with the other three dogs, and does this very low growl to tell them who is boss when they are fighting over something very valuable such as a pair of my dirty underwear to chew on, YUCK! but it is her favourite. she has been very patient with me as i have taught myself how to groom her and the others. until recently i was doing a top knot, but she always had it out within a couple of hours. i have now trimmed it around her eyes which is no small feat as she doesn't like scissors near her eyes so i have to wait until she is napping and am able to clip one tiny bit at a time. 

it is really quite impossible for me to express what a joy she is to me. when i was seven or eight i had a golden retriever that was also "my dog", as shown by her strong preference to be with me over anyone else in the family. one week my parents went away and our british grandmother was caring for us. she felt that dogs should be kept outside. after a day or two of separation from me my retriever went wandering and was shot dead on a neighbouring farm. i was devastated and never thought i would have a companion who loved me as much in all my life. ember moon, 'emmie' has been that companion to me and i have been beyond blessed by her love. 

thank you for your gift to me, for breeding and more importantly loving your dogs the way you do. 
any person blessed to be loved by a balogh shih tzu can count themselves as one of the luckiest people in the world.


ylva kristin ellerbeck
vancouver island's balogh babies biggest fan



.Hello Linda,
It was a week ago today that we brought our Shih-Tzu to her new home in Ann Arbor!   I just wanted to give you a quick update and send you some pictures.  She has been called everything from Sweetie to Baby to Sugar.  We've decided to call her Sugar...though the other names get mixed in all the time.  In the pictures, you will see Patty and our Golden Retriever, Rosey, our other Shih-Tzu, Pootie, and of course Sugar.  She is doing great!  Both our dogs adapted to Sugar pretty quickly and, for her part, Sugar is ready for a romp with the other two at any time.  She has been amazing about doing her business outside.  She is very smart and a quick learner so the house breaking has gone smoothly.  More importantly, she has brought the energy and joy back into our house that was gone after we lost our other Shih-Tzu.  We couldn't be happier to have her and it appears she is happy with her new home, as well.  By the way, Patty had her in to see the vet a couple days after we brought her home and she checked out fine.  Patty will be sending you the information. 
We are very grateful that Sugar was available to us and she is getting plenty of love in her new family.  Enjoy the pics...we'll check in with you from time to time.  Thanks!!
Mike Seagram


Hi Linda,
Long time no email! I've been emailing with Sandy and she said I should send you an updated pic of Mocha that you would enjoy seeing him. sooo here he is!
I can not thank you enough for him he is awesome! I tell everyone where I got him. I recommend you all time.
He's temperament is wonderful! Toby is doing great as well. You were very honest with me and did right by me and I do the same that is one of the things that makes for a great breeder. Thank you for your example. Sandy trust Diane and my  judgment and in return she purchased puppies from you because you were an honest breeder the return was greater than the loss.
Diane said you came through Richmond this summer. If you come through again and you get a chance I would love for you to stop bye.
Well I need to get going for now!
I hope you have a great day!


Susan just can't get enough of our babies! She has many generations,.. she doesn't breed, just loves and spoils them all rotton!! I believe she may even have one or two of our grand puppies not pictured here!


Hello, How are you?
Just wanted to send you some new pictures, so you can see Savannah in her sweater..
She is doing good, everyone that sees her loves her..
Well I hope all is well with you Hope you have a happy Holiday.I will send you our Christmas picture w/ her and the kids as soon as we make it
Take care
Cia .





Hey Linda

Just wanted to show how BowWow has grown. Since we've had him, he has gotten 4 hair cuts. He now weighs 4 1/2 lbs. and he's doing well. The girls absolutely love him. Thank you for such a good puppy and keep up the good work.
Your Friend
Tresia Muhammad


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