Limited Registration means that the dog is registered but no litters
produced by that dog are eligible for registration.
Chapter 3, Section 4A of the AKC's Rules Applying to Registration and
Discipline states the following: "Limited Registration may be
requested for a dog when application for individual registration of
the dog is submitted, provided the application, together with a
request for such limitation, is filed by the owner(s) of the litter at
No offspring of a dog for which Limited Registration has been granted
is eligible for registration. Each registration certificate for such
dog shall carry notice of the limitation, and the limitation shall
continue, regardless of any change of ownership, unless and until the
owner(s) of the litter at birth shall apply to AKC for removal of the
A dog registered with an AKC Limited Registration shall be ineligible
to be entered in a breed competition in a licensed or member dog show.
It is eligible, however, to be entered in any other licensed or member
event. These events include: Obedience, Tracking, Field Trials,
Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility and Earthdog.