Helpful Hints
(Low Blood Sugar) is Life Threatening:
Hypoglycemia tends to be a problem seen most often in toy
breed puppies. Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood sugar.
In small breed puppies from post-weaning to 4 month of age, the most
common form of hypoglycemia is called Transient Juvenile Hypoglycemia:
"Transient" because the symptoms can be reversed by eating;
"Juvenile" because it is seen in young individuals.
For small breed dogs, keep 1 cup of water with 1/2 Tsp of sugar
in it before them at all times until the puppy is 16 weeks old. I give Nutri-Cal , it is GREAT for hypoglycemia and stress.
Mark a 1-gallon jug of distilled water in thirds with a marks-a-lot.
When the puppy has drank the first third, refill with your tap water.
Refill three times and you have transferred the puppy onto your water
without stomach upset. Same for food: Slowly introduce new food.
Preservatives BHA, BHT and Ethoxyquine used in dog foods are being
linked with cancer, abortion and Birth defects. Rule of Thumb - Read
The Label.
feeding Instructions:
Depending on the size of the puppy, it can be fed canned puppy food or
Gerber Chicken Baby food for twenty minutes only, morning and night.
Replace with bowl of water and bowl of Canidae dry kibble FOR REST OF
THE DAY. If you change his food, add 25% new food first week, 50%
second week and 75% the third week. Then 2 hours before bed remove
food and water or reduce the number so times he needs to go out at
With PANACUR or SAFEGUARD : 1cc of wormer per 5 pounds, 3 days
in a row, and every 2 weeks until puppy is 16 weeks old. Every 3
months, over a 3-day period for the life of the dog.
Please start a Heart Worm preventative at the age of 4 months.
Consult your Vet. on the best preventative for you and your dog.
Skin and Coat:
Once a week give the puppy a can of cheap sardines in oil. Brush
and Brush hair, stimulates oil glands in skin producing healthy skin
and shiny coat. Too much bathing can lead to skin problems. So brush
more than bathe.
First Night In New Home:
Today is the worst day in his life. You have taken him away from
everything and everyone he knows. You are his only comfort. Put a pair
of your dirty socks or T-shirt in the crate with him. He will think
you are there with him.
Wash with washcloth until at least 8 weeks old. Do not place in bath,
might suck soapy water in lungs. See our website for some excellent
puppy shampoo.
from Fleas:
Ticks and the diseases they promote such as Limes disease: Premixed
garlic powder, brewers yeast and oil for pet use are found at most
health stores. With practice, you might come up with a mixture at home
just as palatable.
to Protect your Pet:
Vaccinations are given to prevent the development of specific
Infectious Diseases.
2. Vaccines do not cause a disease, but act as a stimulus to your
pet's immune system, causing it to produce antibodies capable of
protecting your pet against those specific diseases. Antibodies fight
diseases by killing disease-causing organisms within the body.
3. Antibody levels produced by the initial vaccination diminish with
time. When your pet is re-vaccinated, its immune system is stimulated
to "remember" the specific disease organism and manufacture
more of the appropriate antibodies.
4. Vaccinations for dogs that are recommended include:
Distemper, Parvo Virus,and Rabies.
7. Fortunately, many of the above vaccines are available in the same